Mobile Users

<<The section below requires enabling Google Sync in the Mobile section of your domain's Google Apps Control Panel. REMOVE this section if your users don't need to access mobile apps using Google Sync.>>

Contact Support


Get Mail, Contacts, and Calendar on your iPhone

Set up your iPhone with Google Sync to access your Google Apps mail, contacts and calendars using your phone's native applications.

Find out more options and features of using Google Sync on your iPhone.



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<<REMOVE the section below if your company is NOT offering Google Talk.>>

Use Google Talk on your iPhone

Point your iPhone's browser to:

Then chat with your Google Talk contacts directly from your iPhone.

More about Google Talk on the iPhone

<<REMOVE the section below if your company is NOT offering Google Docs.>>

 Get Google Docs on your iPhone

Point your iPhone's browser to

From here, you'll see a mobile version of your Docs list where you can view documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

More about Google Docs mobile

What other Google Apps can you use on your iPhone? Visit Google's iPhone Help Center.